Five steps to build your personal brand.

Have you heard the one about the Cobbler's children? Of course you have, because you work in PR. It goes something like this: The Cobbler works so hard every day to make shoes for customers that he (or probably she) doesn't have time to make shoes for his own children. [...]

Why CSR is essential to your company’s growth.

It’s no longer enough for businesses to simply buy and sell their products and services without considering the world in which they operate. Companies must voluntarily do business in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible manner to be sustainable over the long term.

How public speaking can catapult your career.

Many studies reveal that people’s top fear is public speaking. Their second is death. Although I find that shocking, it’s also unfortunate. Like it or not, if you’re trying to build a name for yourself or for your business, you’ll benefit from sharing your insights and expertise in a public forum. It can help position you as an expert with your target audiences, especially if you speak in an articulate and polished way.

How you can learn from what your competitors are not doing.

Competition is the nature of business. Big or small any competitor is capable of taking your customers or clients−especially in today’s global, connected market. It’s a battleground, and your goal is to win the war. With that in mind, are you focused on the strategic communications your competitors are doing right? Have you adopted a ‘me too’ approach when it comes to selecting communications channels?

How to be a thought leader.

In today’s evolving media mix, companies and individuals are looking for ways to build strong brands, differentiate themselves, establish credibility, engage with customers and generate sales. Thought leadership is often the answer, and it is a concept that has grown considerably in recent years.